Tech 4 Conference by carpasean is an educational, informational, and solutions showcase technology conference. carpasean leadership, experts, and partners bring their experience to bear and discuss relevant, on-point topics focussed at small- and medium-sized businesses’ owners/managers and technology firms. Be sure you have read, understand, and agree to the Attendee Terms and Conditions prior to registering for the event.
Who Should Attend
Small, medium, and mid-market business owners, executives, managers, and IT staff will discover rich content curated from thought leaders that will help them better understand how to think about technology adoption and what technologies make sense for their business.
Owners and decision-makers of Managed Service Providers (MSPs), Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), IT consultants, data analytics and processing firms, and other technology providers, as well as customer-facing representatives, will find nourishing insights into scaling enterprise technologies into their SMC customers and how to view partnering with other specialists to provide more robust and applicable solutions.
Why does Tech 4 Conference invite both SMB/SMC organizations as well as technology companies? carpasean firmly believes technology requires a people-first, business-oriented approach for the best success. Small and Medium businesses and many mid-market companies are ill-equipped to handle the enterprise technologies they are now adopting to differentiate and modernize in our competitive global market places. Technology providers are not always able to recognize or understand all of the subtleties of their customers. Tech 4 Conference is a nurturing forum to help bridge the gaps between technologies/providers and the businesses adopting them.
Conference Objectives
Tech for people. Tech for business.
Tech for today. Tech for tomorrow.
At the heart of every small and medium business are the people carrying out the operations and logistics of the organizations. There is strong thought leadership that by placing employees as the top priority, a business will be more efficient and effective yielding optimized productivity. This will all result in a more profitable business. We agree! To that end, carpasean’s CTO/CIO-as-a-Service (sometimes called Virtual CTO/VIO or Fractional CTO/CIO) and all technology solutions are delivered with inclusion in mind to address the many needs of the end-users. At Tech 4 Conference, you will hear real-life examples and best practices from carpasean and our partners, giving you ideas to take back to your own businesses.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, all of carpasean’s customers were either directly using Microsoft Teams, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft OneDrive, or similar technologies or had been trained on these technologies for future adoption. Even prior to the coronavirus forcing us into socially distanced work from home environments, businesses were having to adopt more and more technologies. Many of these technologies were once only reserved for large enterprises with internal IT staff and support. Most small and medium businesses do not have the luxury of hiring full-time skilled IT staff let alone a C-Suite executive that can properly steer the overall technology stack.
You need technology that will get the job done today and prepare you for the unknown challenges of tomorrow. At Tech 4 Conference, carpasean and our partners will help small- and medium-sized business owners/managers understand some key aspects of scaling technology to their organizations, including how to identify business technology management partners that can guide you on your digital transformation journey.